
Showing posts from December, 2020

3 ways to improve Your Own Performance at Work

  What would be the impact on your life? If you have the ability to harness your beliefs, you'd be able to do anything you wanted. Right? Hi, everyone. My name is Umar Hameed and I'm an expert at changing human behavior. And today I want to talk about beliefs. And I want to share three ideas with you. Number one, what are beliefs and where they come from? Number two, how you can identify your beliefs, because they sit in the unconscious, you're going to need to figure that out. And number three, possibly how you can change your beliefs, the ones that stop you from becoming awesomer. If you could change those, it would change your life, right? So number one, how do we get our beliefs, it turns out that were meaning making machines? And when you're a little kid, that's where we get most of our beliefs. If something emotional happens, we need to make meaning out of that. So for example, let's say you're seven years old, and you're playing Little League, and...