How to handle Office Politics?


When you have office politics and that dysfunction happening in your teams, you pay a much higher price. I'm not sure if you have silos happening in your organization, if you do, different departments are not communicating with each other and sharing ideas and supporting each other in the way that they want. And that is costing you a bundle. When you have office politics, you can get a clear, compelling vision where everybody comes together and says, you know, that is a goal worth going after. And when you have people that aren't committed to the same goal, it costs you big time. When you have office politics, you have low trust, I'm not sure if that's happening in your organization. But that just makes it you know, a difficult place to get stuff done a difficult place to retain employees a difficult place to get people to go above and beyond the call of duty, if that's happening in your organization, it's costing you a bundle. If you have office politics, you've got low confidence happening, when you have low confidence between each other and between the processes that we develop, then people don't fully commit to you and your organization. And that costs way too much. When you have office politics, people are looking after their own ego, their own selfish needs, they put their needs and their departments needs ahead of the organization, all of that comes down to an organization. When there's a problem, people are blaming each other and that is poisoned, toxic, toxic to your organization. So the question is, you know, why do people do that? How can you get that office politics out of your organization? Well, here's how it comes in. So your ancestors, maybe 100 generations ago, were a bunch of selfish sob is if they found some food, they guarded it with their lives, and they beat people with clubs to get them away. Because if they eat that resource, they had that food, they became stronger and became stronger, they attracted more cuter mates, and more attractive mates. And together, their offspring were stronger and more beautiful. And they had an advantage over everyone else. So we come to the selfish behavior, because it's genetically important for us to survive. But then we bring people into our organizations, and we want them to set aside their biology, this need to be, you know, important and protect themselves and be selfish, and put the needs of the whole organization ahead of theirs. And the only way you can do that is you need to understand that underneath every single behavior, like blaming, like silos, like selfishness, like ego behavior, underneath, every behavior that really counts is a belief in our unconscious that controls it. So the only way you can change office politics, remove it from your organization, is figure out a way to change the behavior. And we do that we spend a ton of money, we hired consultants, we've got 100 billion dollar a year industry of consultants coming into your organization telling you how to end office politics, but most of the time, they fail miserably because they're trying to change behavior without addressing the underlying belief that controls it. If we want to create real change within our individuals, within ourselves, within our teams within our organizations, we need to understand, as a leader, you're not in the process business, do these behaviors during the belief change business, if you change the beliefs, what happens is behaviors automatically and permanently change to more empowering ones with people go above and beyond the call of duty? Because it's not about me. It's not about my department. It's about how do we make this organization stronger, better, faster? How do we beat the daylights out of the competition? How do we create an organization where people go out of their way to want to join us because we've got an organization where people are supporting each other doing meaningful work and making a difference in the world? And that's your job as a leader is to do three things, right? Number one, what you need to do is you need to have a compelling vision, that's strategically sound that people go I would take a bullet for that. The second thing you need to do is to to manage the culture. So there's no office politics, people are going above and beyond the call of duty. And the third thing is building long term shareholder value. So you grow your organization, so it becomes more valuable.

To do that what you need to do is to educate yourself in the field of applied neuroscience in the field of neuro linguistic programming. When you do that you understand how to change those beliefs. So you become stronger. You understand that so you create a culture where people are setting aside their selfishness and embracing this new vision that you developed and that's how you build organizations that win. for more tips visit:


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