Success tip - Improve Your Critical Thinking


The thing that separates average leaders from great leaders is their ability to use their mind in a different way gets different perspectives that allow them to come up with more elegant solutions. And in a moment, I'm going to share with you how you can use this simple tool to allow you to do that amazing trick to become a better leader.

Hi, everyone. My name is Umar Hameed. And my whole reason for being is to teach people how to use this amazing gift their mindset in a different way that allows them to get more amazing lives, right? So let me tell you a story. First, I'm going to show you the technique.
Many years ago, I was in Silicon Valley, and I was going away on a trip and one of my colleagues came in my office, went to the whiteboard and wrote down ww UD and I said, Well, what's that and he goes off? What would Umar do when your staff comes in your office? You're not here, they can look at that sign and know what you would decide. And sure enough, I mean, don't we all have that ability when you were a kid Didn't you know that if I want to To accomplish this thing, I should go to mom and say it this way, because she's gonna say yes. And for this other thing, I should go to dad and put it that way. We know what other people are going to decide how they're going to think, pretty accurately, it turns out. So when you come across a situation where you want to find a more elegant solution, what you can do is this, say for that particular situation, let's say it's growing my business.

I what would Brent Hauer do in that situation? And you can ask that question, or more powerful technique is imagine that you've got Brent's mask on so you're actually being him for a moment, looking in that situation. And you know what, you're going to get an answer that comes up, we'll give you a different perspective than the one you had. Then you go well, okay, who would be somebody else that would actually be really good at this. And you might go Richard Branson from Virgin Airlines, he would be amazing at this, and you put his mask on, look at the situation, you come up with a different perspective. And now you have three perspectives on that, that one problem and three perspectives will allow you to come up with a better solution than you would have just by looking at it from your land's your perspective. Hope you enjoyed this. And if you did, these tips will come to you once a week brought to you by the good folks at the Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce and yours truly, and I hope you enjoyed this. Please write a comment, how you use this, what you liked what we could do better. And there's tips coming your way once a week, and I look forward to sending in the next step. Visit the website:


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