The Best Coaching For Real Estate Agents


Hello everyone, my name is Umar Hameed and I'm an expert at changing human behavior. I work with team leaders and real estate agents to make them awesome. And this is how I see the world.

You just got realtors that are doing a good job, but they know that could be so much better, right. And if they were so much better, they'd be happier, they'd be more powerful, more successful, they feel comfortable in their own skin, that have certainty of action, and the opportunities would be endless, right. And when you're not living that way, you're also leaving a tone of cash on the table. So there's a financial impact and also an emotional impact. Because you're not living the life you should be living, right. So think for a moment, how much is that costing you financially and emotionally? So the question is, Why does that happen? I love this formula. Skills tones mindset equals the results we get. And if you have weak skills and weak mindset, you've got like really, really crappy results, right. But if you have really great skills and a weaker mindset, the results aren't where they should be. And so what we need to do is we need to develop stronger skills and stronger mindset to get phenomenal results. In real estate, we have a tonne of courses, and gurus helping us on the skill set, and they talk around mindset. But if we could figure out how to take charge of our minds, it would change everything, beliefs around money, sales, life, coffee, everything, right? And those beliefs that we get from childhood, create a model of the world, how we think the world works, and our model of the world gives us our behaviors, and some of our behaviors are amazing, and some of them get in the way of us being phenomenal. The problem is, the reason we can't change our behaviors so easily is underneath every behavior that counts is a belief in our unconscious that locks it in. It's like a black hole of gravity that won't let that behaviour change. So what we need to do is to figure out how we can change our beliefs. And when we do it changes our behaviours like that. And that allows us to step up in a more powerful way. This is me, I was born in Pakistan, I'm a British subject lived in England. I'm a Canadian citizen, I ended up in the US Don't tell anyone on one step ahead of rentable have written three books on the subject of mindset, how can you get a stronger mindset, I've spoken at conferences in 14 countries have lectured on three continents at universities, founded four companies, I've done a presentation at the White House, my whole reason for being is to teach people how to take charge of their mindset. So they can change their behaviours, and they can start living the life they truly deserve. My whole goal is this, if you can give people the ability to take charge of their mindset, they could stay in that performance zone, just imagine if you stayed in your peak performance, not just once a month, but every single day of the month. And the way I do that is I coach with my clients 30 minutes each week. And we work on building a stronger mindset getting clarity of what they want to accomplish, and it allows them to accomplish so much more. Additionally, if one of my clients has a bad transaction, or they woke up and had a fight with their spouse, they can call me right away and can does a five minute triage get them back into the performance zone. So they start delivering at a much higher level. So this is what we do. We work with teams and individuals; we do 30 minute coaching sessions for the agents and the team leader. I want to build a powerful culture where people bring out the best in each other, we create such an environment that other agents go I want to work for you. The ultimate goal is to make your agents more productive, happier and more successful. If this speaks to you, please reach out and call me You can reach me at 410-949-7067. And there's a link at the bottom of this video. That's going to let you go to a landing page that has a tonne of testimonials from agents and team leaders on how powerful and how impactful this kind of coaching is. Visit:


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