Boost your productivity by 150% without breaking a sweat

    Just imagine what the impact would be on your professional life if you could do 12 hours worth of work in an 8 hour day. Most of us work really hard in our jobs but are we being effective? The sad truth for most of us is NO! Everyone knows the cliché’ work smarter not harder. Once you can harness the power of your attention span your productivity will sky-rocket.

Most of us work with an illusion of being focused on a task for 3 – 5 hours in a stretch. We start off with a lot of will power and determination. But the truth is that each of us has a particular attention span. If we haul ourselves to work beyond that, our performance goes down. But there is a solution! You can begin by finding out your own attention span. Start out by being highly focused on a task for 15 minutes without any distractions. Check your intensity at the end of those15 minutes. If your attention level is as good as it was when you started, increase your next work session by 5 minutes. Keep increasing that time till you discover that your level of focus and intensity is faltering.  This is how you discover your attention span where you are at peak performance. 

 Now that you know your attention span you can work flat-out for that period of time then take a 5 min break. You could use this break for something entertaining or getting a cup of coffee. You could even do another work related task like returning your calls, answering emails or taking some notes. This break recharges your mind so when you come back to the project at hand highly energized and focused.  Once you start using this technique you will boost your productivity by 150%.
This is an important step towards bringing a positive change in your professional life. Understand your attention span. Be highly productive for that period of time. Do something different for a bit to recharge yourself, and then come back to your project. This way you can cultivate more productivity out of your day. Not only will your performance go through the roof, you will have more energy after the work day is done.  Work smarter not harder will not be a cliché’ anymore, it will be your work mantra!


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