Success Tip: Failure is the key to success


What if I told you the ultimate strategy for success is to suck? Sounds ridiculous, right? But there's some wisdom in there. In a moment, I'm going to share that with you.


Hi, everyone. My name is Omar Hameed and I'm an expert at changing human behavior. And I was just interviewing Wayne Johnson. He's the president of Lafayette Pictures and he was telling me about his start in show business. He got inside his head that, you know, I want to write a book about my life story. And he started writing this book and it turned out to be, you know, 200 pages, 300 pages. And it was like a big, ugly project.


And he said, that's too much hard work. So I'm going to give up on the book. But I'm to turn this into a screenplay. It would be like 90 pages, 100 pages. I could do that. So he writes this screenplay and he realizes it kind of sucks. So he gets a script doctor to make it better and then he starts pitching it to studios and managers. And nobody wants to buy his screenplay. But he gets noticed and people say, you know, you're right pretty well.


There are some movies that need to be made. We're going to hook you up with some filmmakers. And he gets his first gig to write a script for a movie. And he's done a lot of impressive things since then. But had he waited to write the perfect book, he probably would not have been done. And if it was done, it'll turn out to be like a paperweight. If you waited for the perfect script, he probably never would have gone out to find agents.


The trick to achieving your dreams and becoming exceptional is to get it outside of your head, your heart, getting out there in the real world, whether it's writing the script, whether it's starting a business, whether it's asking somebody incredibly attractive out for a date, whatever it is, go out there and do it. And the doing of it gives you the experience you need to get better. The only thing you need to do is don't beat yourself up.


If you don't do something exceptional, which you need to do is learn that it's feedback, feedback, feedback, no matter how well you do. Even if you did like a phenomenal job on your very first time out, there's always ways to improve. So I don't want you to be a perfection machine. I want you to be a better machine. And what that means is just create and, you know, as soon as you've created it, you can do better, better, better.


That's how superstars that have those overnight successes achieved that it's not. The overnight success is the 100 attempts they did to get the experience, the expertise, the passion, the tenacity to be successful. And that's my biggest wish for you. I want you to suck. I want you to create and I want you to get better. And the fourth attempt that you do, you're going to be fabulous, baby. And if you like these kinds of tips coming your way, just go to my website at No Limits, selling dot com and hope to see you on the next episode. visit my website:


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