Passion, Beliefs, and Commitment


The way I see it, leaders have two main functions within an organization. Number one to hold a vision that's so compelling that people literally like go their limitations and do whatever it takes to make that vision a reality. Number two; create a culture with his passion, a high level of commitment, and a shared set of beliefs that the organization truly is unstoppable. To accomplish this, leaders need to get all the people to come together and get them on the same page and get them going in the same direction. This creates a team that's totally committed to one another, and to the goals of the organization. leaders have always known if they could get the people stuff, right, what I call the human element, there is no challenge the organization can not conquer. There have been books written movies made and legends told about highly effective organizations, because they happen so infrequently. Oh, but when they do, they build new industries, they redefine what's possible, and they change the world. as we know it. Highly effective organizations all have three elements in common. Number one, a set of beliefs that allows them to take on the big challenges. Number two, passion that gives them an unlimited amount of energy to succeed. And number three, an unwavering commitment to one another, and to the organization as a whole. This is how you build an organization that's designed to win. Now mastering the human elements difficult, but it's worth pursuing. Because the rewards of building a highly effective organization are immense. In organizations with people have a commitment to speak the truth, better decisions are made. So they out think the competition in organizations with passionate people, there's a high level of urgency. So work gets done faster, which allows them to outpace the competition in organizations where the beliefs align, everyone and I mean, everyone brings their A game to the table, so they do whatever it takes to get the job done. Now, the need to build a highly effective organization is so strong, that literally there's an army of consultants that have built a $100 billion a year industry, the dirty little secret that no one talks about, that these change initiatives fail over 70% of the time. Now, I think this happens, because for most organizations, beliefs, commitment and passion are just quaint words from a bygone era that look good on a brochure. I've spent over 15 years researching how to transform average organizations into highly effective ones. And I've unlocked the secret how to instill beliefs, passion, and commitment into the hearts and minds of people. So they break through the mediocrity and drive the organization into excellence.

Hi, my name is Eduardo awareness. I'm a president and general manager of one of the most important human resource company in Ecuador. I was lucky to attend one of Omar Hameed presentations. During the capital of Cuba during the human capital forum in Quito. I was really impressed on his presentations because he basically proposes a different way of confronting current conflicts. I do recommend, and I am a firm believer that what Omar is promoting as an alternative to conflict solving is effective. As managers we go through many different strategies and models, which has not been able to really solve our conflicts. And I too believe that Omar's mythology will definitely help companies in present and future to make a better environment and of course, to make the group thing more productive.



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