
3 ways to improve Your Own Performance at Work

  What would be the impact on your life? If you have the ability to harness your beliefs, you'd be able to do anything you wanted. Right? Hi, everyone. My name is Umar Hameed and I'm an expert at changing human behavior. And today I want to talk about beliefs. And I want to share three ideas with you. Number one, what are beliefs and where they come from? Number two, how you can identify your beliefs, because they sit in the unconscious, you're going to need to figure that out. And number three, possibly how you can change your beliefs, the ones that stop you from becoming awesomer. If you could change those, it would change your life, right? So number one, how do we get our beliefs, it turns out that were meaning making machines? And when you're a little kid, that's where we get most of our beliefs. If something emotional happens, we need to make meaning out of that. So for example, let's say you're seven years old, and you're playing Little League, and...

The Best Coaching For Real Estate Agents

  Hello everyone, my name is Umar Hameed and I'm an expert at changing human behavior. I work with team leaders and real estate agents to make them awesome. And this is how I see the world. You just got realtors that are doing a good job, but they know that could be so much better, right. And if they were so much better, they'd be happier, they'd be more powerful, more successful, they feel comfortable in their own skin, that have certainty of action, and the opportunities would be endless, right. And when you're not living that way, you're also leaving a tone of cash on the table. So there's a financial impact and also an emotional impact. Because you're not living the life you should be living, right. So think for a moment, how much is that costing you financially and emotionally? So the question is, Why does that happen? I love this formula. Skills tones mindset equals the results we get. And if you have weak skills and weak mindset, you've got like...

How to Improve Self-Esteem

  You could boost your self esteem and confidence in less than five minutes. Your mindset is the number one determining factor how well you do in life. In a moment, I'm going to show you a tool that proves to you that you can take charge your mindset, and the benefit is going to be your self esteem is going to boost up pretty quickly like bam. To begin, we need to figure out where your self esteem is, right? Now, let's take a look at the scale. If you’re self esteem was zero that would be really bad, right. And on this end, we've got 100, you'd feel like a superhero, so wants you to ask within what's my level of self esteem, and a number is going to pop up between zero and 100. Whatever that is, jot that down. So you don't forget, now that you have that number, let's begin, I want you to imagine that the local TV station is going to write an article about you. And to get ready, you go into this room that's divided into with a glass wall. And you'...

Passion, Beliefs, and Commitment

  The way I see it, leaders have two main functions within an organization. Number one to hold a vision that's so compelling that people literally like go their limitations and do whatever it takes to make that vision a reality. Number two; create a culture with his passion, a high level of commitment, and a shared set of beliefs that the organization truly is unstoppable. To accomplish this, leaders need to get all the people to come together and get them on the same page and get them going in the same direction. This creates a team that's totally committed to one another, and to the goals of the organization. leaders have always known if they could get the people stuff, right, what I call the human element, there is no challenge the organization can not conquer. There have been books written movies made and legends told about highly effective organizations, because they happen so infrequently. Oh, but when they do, they build new industries, they redefine what's possible,...

How to handle Office Politics?

  When you have office politics and that dysfunction happening in your teams, you pay a much higher price. I'm not sure if you have silos happening in your organization, if you do, different departments are not communicating with each other and sharing ideas and supporting each other in the way that they want. And that is costing you a bundle. When you have office politics, you can get a clear, compelling vision where everybody comes together and says, you know, that is a goal worth going after. And when you have people that aren't committed to the same goal, it costs you big time. When you have office politics, you have low trust, I'm not sure if that's happening in your organization. But that just makes it you know, a difficult place to get stuff done a difficult place to retain employees a difficult place to get people to go above and beyond the call of duty, if that's happening in your organization, it's costing you a bundle. If you have office politics, you...

Success tip - Improve Your Critical Thinking

  The thing that separates average leaders from great leaders is their ability to use their mind in a different way gets different perspectives that allow them to come up with more elegant solutions. And in a moment, I'm going to share with you how you can use this simple tool to allow you to do that amazing trick to become a better leader. Hi, everyone. My name is Umar Hameed. And my whole reason for being is to teach people how to use this amazing gift their mindset in a different way that allows them to get more amazing lives, right? So let me tell you a story. First, I'm going to show you the technique. Many years ago, I was in Silicon Valley, and I was going away on a trip and one of my colleagues came in my office, went to the whiteboard and wrote down ww UD and I said, Well, what's that and he goes off? What would Umar do when your staff comes in your office? You're not here, they can look at that sign and know what you would decide. And sure enough, I mean, d...

Success Tip: Failure is the key to success

  What if I told you the ultimate strategy for success is to suck? Sounds ridiculous, right? But there's some wisdom in there. In a moment, I'm going to share that with you.   Hi, everyone. My name is Omar Hameed and I'm an expert at changing human behavior. And I was just interviewing Wayne Johnson. He's the president of Lafayette Pictures and he was telling me about his start in show business. He got inside his head that, you know, I want to write a book about my life story. And he started writing this book and it turned out to be, you know, 200 pages, 300 pages. And it was like a big, ugly project.   And he said, that's too much hard work. So I'm going to give up on the book. But I'm to turn this into a screenplay. It would be like 90 pages, 100 pages. I could do that. So he writes this screenplay and he realizes it kind of sucks. So he gets a script doctor to make it better and then he starts pitching it to studios and managers. And nobody wants ...